My first real ham radio set was a Drake B-line... and I got hooked to Drake.
The C-line was next.

The 7-line followed... (2002 pic) with my Heathkit SB220 workhorse.
The two wall lamps are electronic tubes type 4212EC made by STC in the UK (late 1930's). A direct heated
transmitting triode. Both tubes have a broken filament and I saved them from the garbage dump.
With a small 20 Watt Halogen lamp in their socket it looks like they're still 'online'.
(A NOS 4212E will cost you $1699.95, the ultimate triode for your HiFi amplifier.)
I found several line-7 members on the web. (pic 2004)

I find great pleasure in upgrading, fixing and restoring things. I spent many hours improving the Drake equipment. Also the SB220 was
completely restored and upgraded. My old Kenwood TS-120s received the same treatment. Many updates are available on the web. Others are designed by me.
But ultimately, more improvement is not possible due to the outdated design and the used technology.
In 2008 I looked at new state-of-the-art equipment. Many Japanese & US transceivers were tested and the results compared.
Other criteria were the price/quality ratio, basic design, not too big, without unnecessary bling bling.
The ELECRAFT brand was new to me. The fact that it was US-made, like my Drake equipment, made me a little biased.
However due to, the modern setup, the use of the latest electronic components, the performance and the HAM heart of the designers,
I finally made my decision.
A Elecraft K3/100 with antenna tuner, three 8-pool roofing filters (2.8 , 2.1 , 0.4 Khz) was ordered.

No regrets about this choice.
I finally cleaned-up the shack and sold parts of the 7-line and the SB220.

Setup dec 2015 in previous qth.
From left to right. Below: - Astatic "Golden Eagle" microphone, 30amp power supply (see electronics) with on top
an open aluminum box with a Motor Hawk stepper motor controller for my magnetic loop (maglocon).
- speaker, Elecraft K3/100, electronic paddle keyer, Drake L7
Above: - PC monitor (PSK, RTTY, logging,...)
- Drake MN2700 tuner with HAM-V rotor clock and EA4TX PC rotor controller on top, speaker.
Current situation (2021).
Elecraft K3, Drake L7 and MN2700 tuner. Golden Eagle mic and Samsung dual large diaphragm mic.
IC-2410E, TR-751E vhf/uhf tranceivers.